Register now, and you will receive: * A bonus pack of 12 new ScreenDance animations: Aurora, Fractals II, Fuzzball, Haze, Neon Lights, Piano Roll, Pulsars, Spectrometer, Tapestry, Tunnels, VU Bargraph, and VU (Analog) * An advanced version of ScreenDance with support for third-party animations * Printed manual * Unlimited phone support * Notification of bug-fixes and updates (via e-mail) There are several easy ways to register: Phone: Call (800) 275-6137 or (508) 922-0189 to order by phone Web: Order online, using our secure form at E-Mail: From AOL, e-mail the completed order form to MadeiraInc From CServe, e-mail the completed order form to 74407,2214 FAX: Use your PC's FAX/Modem to FAX the completed order form to us at (508) 921-2636 USPS: Print and fill out the form below, then mail it to our address, as shown on the bottom ScreenDance Order Form Call (800) 275-6137 to order now! Name _______________________________________________________________ Street Address _____________________________________________________ City ________________________ State/Province ________ ZIP __________ Country _____________________ Telephone ____________________________ E-mail Address _____________________________________________________ QTY Item Amount 1 ScreenDance $ 29.95* 5% MA State Sales Tax: $_______ (Massachusetts USA residents only) SHIPPING AND HANDLING: U.S.A.: $3.00 (VIA PRIORITY MAIL, 1-3 DAYS) Canada and Mexico: $3.00 (VIA AIRMAIL) Western Hemisphere, Western Europe: $6.95 Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, Philippines, S. Korea, Thailand, Vietnam: $8.95 (VIA GLOBAL PRIORITY MAIL, 4-5 DAYS) All others:$10.00 $_______ TOTAL: $_______ Disk Size: [ ] 3.5" (1.44MB) [ ] 5.25" (1.2MB) Method of payment: [ ] Amex [ ] Visa [ ] MasterCard [ ] Check** or money order Card number: _________________________ Exp. date: ___/___ (MM/YY) Signature: ___________________________ Comments: __________________________________________________________ THANK YOU FOR ORDERING SCREENDANCE! ______________________________________________________________________ Madeira Software, Inc. (800) 275-6137 / (508) 922-0189 PO Box 5424 FAX: (508) 921-2636 Beverly, MA 01915 USA ______________________________________________________________________ *All prices quoted in US Dollars **All checks and money orders must be made payable to Madeira Software, Inc. Foreign checks in foreign currency are accepted. See our Web site for applicable exchange rates.